A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Jam span: (Jan 07, 2024) to (Jan 14, 2024).
First attempt at creating a video game.
No prior experience with game development.

Enjoy "Hello, world! Stranger" (ignore the barrels and sign)

Your Mouse, spacebar, control key.
- Tested working, if you have any issues try using keyboard equivalents instead.
Ctrl + LMB = singular.

Do not read on if you wish to toy with the prototype game fully blind!
(Otherwise read the below when you feel obligated to.)

Item quantity can only be one per slot in 'the box' (fails when not precise).
Items required to be present in "inventory" (backpack icon) for 'the spiral'.
There are 3 cheat barrel inventories, and a cheat sign for information.

The rest is intended to be discovered.

Unfortunately I do not have time to create/finalize anything that I wanted to show through this, but the underlying premise should show itself clear enough. I updated the main map with a cheating resource to reduce the time it would take to play through what is here by a significant margin if desired.

https://freesound.org/people/BranndyBottle/sounds/464679 (unmodified)
https://greenpixels.itch.io/pixel-art-asset-3  (modified)
https://rpginabox.com/ (game creation tool)


win64.zip 61 MB
win32.zip 54 MB
lin32.zip 83 MB
lin64.zip 85 MB
mac.zip 81 MB
win64 (broken, initial submission) 63 MB

Install instructions

Extract the contents.
Keep in mind that the executable and .pck file must be in the same folder together.

Mac & Linux:
Untestable for me, good luck.


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